After making a significant investment in an amazing, designer handbag, you have to consider how you will preserve the material for continued use. Like everything else, its condition will deteriorate if not taken care of properly, and when truly neglected, the magic that made you fall in love with your bag in the first place would just be a memory.
Make your investment last by applying these five simple tips from Collonil, Australia’s top choice for premium leather care products:
1. Put it in a bag rotation
Getting your money’s worth doesn’t necessarily mean using your favourite designer handbag every day. Doing so would make the signs of wear and tear appear more quickly. Instead, why not put it in a rotation with some of your less valuable options?
This would allow you to enjoy it for longer and keep it in a better condition, as you pair the bag with more expensive outfits on special occasions, for example, while reserving everyday use for something more cost-effective. If you want to resell the bag later on, minimal signs of usage could also help in retaining its market value.
2. Keep it away from direct sunlight
Exposure to direct sunlight can cause discolouration in the leather, especially if it happens consistently for extended hours. In addition, choose a storing location with low humidity to avoid mould development that will damage the integrity of both the interior and exterior.
3. Know how to properly store your bags
After a long day, it can be tempting to just toss your bag anywhere the moment you step in the door, but whenever you’re thinking of doing that, know that you will pay for it later on. Proper storage has a big impact on the ongoing quality of the bag. As you move forward, make sure to:
- Use the dust bag that came with your purchase. It’s there for a reason!
- Store it upright. Never hang it up as that can deform the leather.
- Stuff it with tissue paper to retain the shape of the bag. If you don’t do this, there’s a chance your bag will look deflated after some time.
- Place the handle inside the purse to prevent it from rubbing against the surface of the leather.
4. Store liquids in a tote
If you’re lucky, you’ve never experienced the nightmare of having liquids spill on your bag. Keep this winning streak going by placing all liquids in a tote. This would provide a layer of protection against any spillage should it happen. It’s a huge bonus that it also helps keep your items organised!
5. Don’t overdo the cleaning
We know that you want your bag to look new forever, but overdoing the cleaning can have the opposite effect. Depending on the material your bag is made of, how often it needs to be cleaned is different. Therefore, only clean your bag when needed or as recommended. It’s also wise to only use proven effective products from a trusted seller, such as waterproofing products, cleaning products, and care and conditioning products, all specially intended for handbags.
Taking care of your designer handbag means protecting it from potential future damage as well as addressing wear and tear issues. Minimise damage and maximise handbag longevity with Collonil’s line of top-notch leather handbag care and protection products. Contact us today for further guidance on our to care for your leather handbag.